PaMor 1 with We 3-1
PaMor 1 - a.k.a. Patchick-Morefield 1 - was discovered by American amateur astronomers @DanaPatchick and @Kevin Morefield in 2021. It is a possible planetary nebula; is 5.6 arcminutes in size; and is extremely faint. As part of the discovery process Kevin produced this first image Patchick-Morefield 1. When meeting Kevin at the CEDIC conference in February I proposed that we collaborate to produce a deeper image. PaMor 1 is quite close to another planetary nebula We 3-1 which was discovered by Austrian astronomer Dr Ronald Weinberger. So I decided to frame this image to include both planetary nebulae. This image is a combination of the original data captured by Kevin Morefield plus new data captured on my remote telescopes in Spain.

Nomenclature: PaMor 1, Patchick-Morefield 1, We 3-1, Weinberger 3-1
Right Ascension: 18:30:05.23 (PaMor 1)
Declination: 14:16:13.8 (PaMor 1)
Celestron EdgeHD 14", Planewave CDK14, APM LZOS Apo 152/1200 CNC
ASA DDM85 mount, 10Micron GM2000 HPS, Planewave L-350 mounts
QHYCCD QHY600 Pro M cameras, QSI 6120 wsg8 cameras
Nomenclature: PaMor 1, Patchick-Morefield 1, We 3-1, Weinberger 3-1
Right Ascension: 18:30:05.23 (PaMor 1)
Declination: 14:16:13.8 (PaMor 1)
Celestron EdgeHD 14", Planewave CDK14, APM LZOS Apo 152/1200 CNC
ASA DDM85 mount, 10Micron GM2000 HPS, Planewave L-350 mounts
QHYCCD QHY600 Pro M cameras, QSI 6120 wsg8 cameras
Ha: 50x120" bin 1x1
OIII: 117x900", 127x600", 360x120" bin 1x1
Total integration: 64 hours 5 minutes
Pixel scale: 1.063 arcsec/pixel
Field radius: 2.106 degrees
Capture dates: 30 April 2022 - 11 June 2024
Capture location: Fregenal de la Sierra, Sierra Remote Observatories
Ha: 50x120" bin 1x1
OIII: 117x900", 127x600", 360x120" bin 1x1
Total integration: 64 hours 5 minutes
Pixel scale: 1.063 arcsec/pixel
Field radius: 2.106 degrees
Capture dates: 30 April 2022 - 11 June 2024
Capture location: Fregenal de la Sierra, Sierra Remote Observatories
Pre-processing: Pixinsight, CCDStack2
Post-processing: Pixinsight, Photoshop CS2
Pre-processing: Pixinsight, CCDStack2
Post-processing: Pixinsight, Photoshop CS2