NGC 5426 and NGC 5427 are two spiral galaxies of similar sizes interacting with each other. Together known as Arp 271, this gravitaional interaction is creating new stars between the two galaxies. They are 90 million light-years away in the constellation of Virgo. The two galaxies are collectively about 130,000 light-years across.
Nomenclature: Arp 271, NGC 5426, NGC 5427
Right Ascension: 14:03:25
Declination: -6:03:07
Discovery: William Herschel in 1785
Size: 2.5 arc min each
APM TMB LZOS 152 refractor
10Micron GM2000 HPS mount
QSI6120 CCD camera
Astrodon filters
Luminance: 86x300 bin 1x1
Red: 10x300 bin 1x1
Green: 10x300 bin 1x1
Blue: 10x300 bin 1x1
Total integration: 9.7 hours
Pixel scale: 0.265 arcsec/pixel
Field radius: 0.106 degrees
Capture dates: 12 April 2021
Capture location: Fregenal de la Sierra, Spain
Luminance: 86x300 bin 1x1
Red: 10x300 bin 1x1
Green: 10x300 bin 1x1
Blue: 10x300 bin 1x1
Total integration: 9.7 hours
Pixel scale: 0.265 arcsec/pixel
Field radius: 0.106 degrees
Capture dates: 12 April 2021
Capture location: Fregenal de la Sierra, Spain
Pre-processing: CCDStack2
Post-processing: Photoshop CS2
Pre-processing: CCDStack2
Post-processing: Photoshop CS2