FP J0711-2531
FP J0711-2531 is a possible supernova remnant or planetary nebula in the constellation Canis Major
Nomenclature: FP J0711-2531
Right Ascension: 07:11:32.00
Declination: -25:31:24.0
Size: 11x10 arc min
Discovery: David Frew and Quentin Parker
Twin APM TMB LZOS 152 refractors
10Micron GM2000 HPS mount
Twin QSI6120 CCD cameras
Astrodon filters
Nomenclature: FP J0711-2531
Right Ascension: 07:11:32.00
Declination: -25:31:24.0
Size: 11x10 arc min
Discovery: David Frew and Quentin Parker
Twin APM TMB LZOS 152 refractors
10Micron GM2000 HPS mount
Twin QSI6120 CCD cameras
Astrodon filters
Blue: 10x300"
Green: 10x300"
Lum: 26x300"
Red: 11x300"
Ha: 33x900", 16x1800" bin 4x4
OIII 48x900", 16x1800" bin 1x1
Total Integration: 41 hours
Pixel scale: 0.534 arcsec/pixel
Field radius: 0.370 degrees
Capture dates: 9 December 2020 - 15 January 2021
Capture location: Fregenal de la Sierra, Spain
Blue: 10x300"
Green: 10x300"
Lum: 26x300"
Red: 11x300"
Ha: 33x900", 16x1800" bin 4x4
OIII 48x900", 16x1800" bin 1x1
Total Integration: 41 hours
Pixel scale: 0.534 arcsec/pixel
Field radius: 0.370 degrees
Capture dates: 9 December 2020 - 15 January 2021
Capture location: Fregenal de la Sierra, Spain
Pre-processing: CCDStack2
Post-processing: Photoshop CS2
Pre-processing: CCDStack2
Post-processing: Photoshop CS2
Ha image
OIII image