M81 Bode's Nebula Published in Astronomy Now Magazine April 2019 and June 2021
A grand design spiral galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major. It is about 12 million light years from Earth, with a diameter of 90,000 light years.
TARGET Nomenclature: M81, Messier 81, Bode's Galaxy, Bode's Nebula Right Ascension: 09:55:33.2 Declination: +69:03:55 Size: 27 arc min Discovery:Johann Elert Bode on 31 December 1774
EQUIPMENT USED Twin APM TMB LZOS 152 refractors 10Micron GM2000 HPS mount Twin QSI6120 CCD cameras Astrodon filters
IMAGE CAPTURE 5nm Ha: 5x1800 bin 1x1 Luminance: 30x300 bin 1x1 Red: 14x300 bin 1x1 Green: 14x300 bin 1x1 Blue: 14x300 bin 1x1 Total integration: 8.5 hours Pixel scale: 0.534 arcsec/pixel Field radius: 0.356 degrees Capture dates: 21 January - 31 December 2018 Capture location: Alcalali, Spain