NGC 6905 is a small, bright planetary nebula in the constellation Delphinus. It is estimated to be around 7,500 light years from Earth.
TARGET Nomenclature: NGC 6905, Blue Flash Nebula Right Ascension: 20:22:23 Declination: +20:06:16 Size: 44 arc sec Discovery: William Herschel in 1747 EQUIPMENT USED Twin APM TMB LZOS 152 refractors 10Micron GM2000 HPS mount Twin QSI6120 CCD cameras Astrodon filters
IMAGE CAPTURE Astrodon 5nm H-Alpha filter: 58x900" bin 1x1 Astrodon Blue: 10x300" bin 1x1 Astrodon Green: 10x300" bin 1x1 Astrodon Lum: 28x300" and 24x120" bin 1x1 Astrodon OIII 3 nm: 141x300" bin 1x1 Astrodon Red: 11x300" bin 1x1 Total Integration: 32.3 hours Pixel scale: 0.533 arcsec/pixel Field radius: 0.118 degrees Capture dates: 15 August - 10 September 2020 Capture location: Fregenal de la Sierra, Spain