PN G216.0+07.4
PN G216.0+07.4 is a faint planetary nebula in Canis Minor. The central star is a Wolf Rayet star. It is surrounded by lots of obscuring dust.
Nomenclature: PN G216.0+07.4
Right Ascension: 07:23:48.47
Declination: +00:36:32.0
Twin APM TMB LZOS 152 refractors
10Micron GM2000 HPS mount
Twin QHYCCD QHY268 MM Pro cameras
Nomenclature: PN G216.0+07.4
Right Ascension: 07:23:48.47
Declination: +00:36:32.0
Twin APM TMB LZOS 152 refractors
10Micron GM2000 HPS mount
Twin QHYCCD QHY268 MM Pro cameras
Ha 5nm: 200x300" bin 1x1
OIII 3nm: 154x300" bin 1x1
Red: 11x300" bin 1x1
Green: 11x300" bin 1x1
Blue: 11x300" bin 1x1
Lum: 38x300" bin 1x1
Total integration: 35 hours 25 minutes
Pixel scale: 0.647 arcsec/pixel
Field radius: 0.285 degrees
Capture dates: 12 March - 8 April 2024
Capture location: Fregenal de la Sierra, Spain
Ha 5nm: 200x300" bin 1x1
OIII 3nm: 154x300" bin 1x1
Red: 11x300" bin 1x1
Green: 11x300" bin 1x1
Blue: 11x300" bin 1x1
Lum: 38x300" bin 1x1
Total integration: 35 hours 25 minutes
Pixel scale: 0.647 arcsec/pixel
Field radius: 0.285 degrees
Capture dates: 12 March - 8 April 2024
Capture location: Fregenal de la Sierra, Spain
Pre-processing: Pixinsight, CCDStack2
Post-processing: Pixinsight, Photoshop CS2
Pre-processing: Pixinsight, CCDStack2
Post-processing: Pixinsight, Photoshop CS2